Wednesday, July 06, 2016


Keep Shining That Turd General America Depends on You!

America is the most corrupt nation in the world. One thing that was interesting that the article doesn't discuss is what I am convinced is one of the reasons that generals who lose wars are so valuable. In a nation in decline putting a good spin on that decline is one of the most valuable services. Keep Shining That Turd General America Depends on You!

The corruption flows from the US. It is true that your local beat cop doesn't expect a bribe and would be insulted if you offered one. (Though last year cops kept more dollars of stuff than thieves stole.) But because money generally flows from the periphery of empire to the center and because policy in D.C. is sold to those with the deepest pockets people in other countries live in poverty and have to pay money in bribes to corrupt overlords who are ultimately imposed by US.

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