Sunday, March 17, 2013

I was going back and reading old posts by Jim Henley, I miss him when I found this in a comment thread:

Comment by Neel Krishnaswami —
October 1, 2012 @ 9:43 am

The thing to keep in mind is that basically, the hippies got it right. Love is good, racism and sexism are evil, the Vietnam war was a pointless waste of human life, art and music uplifts the soul, and the rat race destroys it.

I’m a libertarian, not a progressive, and I like progressives only when they voice their hippie values loudly enough to provoke “liberals” (scare quotes intended) to engage in hippie-punching. Hippie values are obviously sane, and when people get angry and fight them, third-party observers realize that actually, there is an alternative — otherwise the punchers wouldn’t feel so threatened.

In short: voting for Obama doesn’t obligate you to shill for him.

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