Sunday, March 06, 2005


Top Ten

The Top 10 Theories How Gannon Met Rove
Number 10. Met during interviews for new White House “undercover” operatives.
Number 9. Responded to White House classified, “Now Hiring Pricks For White House Internship”.
Number 8. Was acting as a pimp for the Bush Twins.
Number 7. Wanted to see if there was a bigger prick in DC than Bush.
Number 6. Rove’s wife lost her strap on.
Number 5. Got excited while watching Gomer Pyle reruns and wanted a real Marine.
Number 4. Needed someone to help pull his head out of Bush’s ass.
Number 3. Confused putting a condom on Gannon with the Missile Defense Strategy.
Number 2. Missed playing with Powell’s Colin.
And the number One theory on how Gannon met Rove…. Needed a Big Dick to satisfy an even bigger asshole. pdxcraig Email Homepage 03.06.05 - 2:54 pm #

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